This is an exercise for practicing the grammatical gender of words. There are some rules, like that words ending in "-keit" or "-ung" have femenine gender, but for most words the only way to know is to memorize it. Updated 2009-12-30: there were several errors in the word list, because I wrote them down incorrectly in class some years ago. They are now corrected.
Practice the declesion of the definite and indefinite articles, and of the personal pronouns.
Artikel, Personalpronomen, Adjektive.
Verb conjugation.
Präsens, besondere Formen, Modalverben, Hilfsverben, Konjunktiv. Trennbare/untrennbare.
Unregelmäßige Verben: backen ... fahren, fallen ... hängen, heben ... nennen, passieren ... schreiben, schreien ... streiten, stürzen ... zwingen
Use of the prepositions.
Text with blanks, to complete with words, suffixes, or prefixes.
"Moselromanische Sprache", "Deutsche in Namibia", "Texasdeutsch".