My professional web page is at
Sentido Labs.
- QMath is a small tool for writing mathematical documents in OMDoc format. You write a document in plain Unicode text, and QMath produces an OMDoc file from it.
- Sentido is an integrated environment (browsing, editing, searching) for mathematical documents, that works as an extension of the Firefox web browser.
- Algebra is another application built on Firefox, as an experiment to see whether a computer algebra system along the lines of Mathematica® or Maple™ could be built from Sentido.
- HistoRadar, the historical source collection radar. Scans collections of historical documents and displays the changes in information extracted from them to give the historian hints on where to start looking for interesting events. PDF description and mid-seminar report slides.
- Deutschkurs Übungen, German language exercises.
- Small utilities for text processing and archiving.
- Contributions and translations, which includes custom versions of the mail notifier WMMail, the sound recorder WMRecord, the template processor PerlPP, and the modifications to the computer algebra system Yacas to work better in the Agenda VR3 PDA, apart from several translations to Spanish of other programs and documents.
Opinion and research